Raised Garden Bed Recommendations

1. Determining the Area of Your Garden

Length x Width x Height
* all of these must be in the same unit of measure

Example: 4ft x 4ft x .5ft = 8cuft

Because most bags of soil come in cubic feet measurements, use feet to calculate your measurement.

2. Our Soil Recommendation
- Ammendments

Average of 4-5 bags for 4x4 area.
Select at least 2 amendments below
  • Worm Castings

  • Hen Manure

  • Complete Landscape Mix

  • Soil Conditioner

- Native Soil

Key Elements of Native Soil:
  • Density

  • Water Retention

  • Nutrients

  • Microbial Activity

When native soil is not available, use Barky Beaver Potting Soil or Happy Frog Potting Soil as a substitution.

It is important to remember when creating a raised bed over a hard surface (i.e. concrete or wood) your crop possibilities can be limited and soil recommendations vary slightly.