Plants Attractive to Butterflies
Any flower can attract butterflies; however, the following is a list of plants that are known to be especially attractive to butterflies. Planting a variety of material that blooms throughout the growing season will ensure a continual source of nectar.
Besides providing food sources, many other factors will influence the presence of butterflies in your garden. The use of insecticides and lack of larval host plants can reduce the number of butterflies in your garden. Those caterpillars eating some plants may in fact be the very butterflies you are trying to attract.
Achillea, Aesclepias, Aster, Baptisia, Boltonia, Coreopsis Echinacea Eupatorium, Gaillardia, Gaura, Helenium, Helianthus, Heliopsis, Hemerocallis, Leucanthemum, Liatris, Monarda, Nepeta, Perovskia, Phlox, Rudbeckia, Salvia, Scabiosa, Sedum, Solidago, Stokesia, Vernonia, Veronica
Trees & Shrubs
Abelia, Aesculus, Buddleia, Caryopteris, Cephalanthus, Clethra, Spiraea, Viburnum
Agastache, Cosmos, Cuphea, Gomphrena, Lantana, Penta, Verbena, Zinnia
Remember, if it attracts butterflies it will also attract bees and certain wasps.