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The Plant Kingdom!

Recommendations, Identification, and Diagnosis Questions

We are proud of our knowledgeable and friendly team of horticulturists and staff, and we love helping you decide which plants would thrive in your garden. If you have further questions about plant recommendations, identification, diagnosis, or other complex topics we ask that you send an email to gardeninfo@plantkingdom.net and wait for our reply rather than stopping by in-person. This also allows us to ensure that the expert on that topic will be available to help you. Emails of this nature are typically answered within 24-72 hours.

  • Plant general care and maintenance

    General Care and Maintenance

    “We are on Earth to take care of life. We are on Earth to take care of each other.” — Xiye Bastida

    Watering Instructions for New Landscape Plants

    Fertilization Tips for Winter Hardy Plants

    Basic Guidelines for Seeding Your Lawn

    Pruning Tips for Winter Hardy Plants

  • Trees, Shrubs and Perennials

    “Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf.”— Albert Schweitzer

    Tree Reference Guide: Mature Size

    Tree Reference Guide: Specific Sites

    Southeast US Natives

    Moist Soil? Hardy Plant Recommendatons

    Winter Hardy Plants with Outstanding Fall Color

    Fall Gardening Activities

  • Season Specific

    “Gratitude for the turning of the seasons. May we attune our hearts to their enduring message of renewal.” — Kristin Granger

    Heat- and Drought-Tolerant Plants

    Fall Gardening Activities

    Fall Bulb Planting Guide

    Frost Free

    Winter Gardening Activities

    Winter Container Ideas

    Winter Hardy Plants with Outstanding Fall Color

    How to Care for Your Christmas Tree

  • Edible Gardening

    “The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world.”— Michael Pollan

    Spring Crops

    Summer Crops

    Fall Crops

    Tomato Varieties

    Growing Blueberries

    Blueberry Varieties

    Growing Garlic

    Raised Beds Recommendations

    Growing Edibles in a Ground Bed

    Growing Edibles in Containers

    Fertilization Tips for the Edible Garden

  • Houseplants and Tropicals

    “Like people, plants respond to extra attention.” — H. Peter Loewer

    Repotting Houseplants

    Overwintering Houseplants


    Heat & Drought Tolerant Plants

    Common Houseplant Problems - Winter

    A Beginner's Guide to Cacti and Succulent Care

    A Beginner's Guide to Bonsai Care

  • Wildlife in the Garden(!)

    "I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn."—Henry David Thoreau

    Plants Attractive to Butterflies

    Preventing Deer Damage

  • Soil Ammendments and Mulch

    “Land is not merely soil, it is a fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils, plants and animals.” —Aldo Leopold

    How much potting soil do I need?

    Raised Beds for Urban Farmers